3rd Annual GMC Gala – March 19, 2025


Join us in celebrating the Monadnock Region!

We’re bringing the community together for a night of connection, celebration, and recognition like no other.



Job Openings: President/CEO

The Greater Monadnock Collaborative is an equal opportunity employer. We encourage applications from individuals of all backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.

Our Events

Chamber Hosted Events

An opportunity for both Chamber and Non-Chamber community members to gather.


Member News

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Welcome New Members

The Greater Monadnock Collaborative Regional Chamber of Commerce is organized to advance the commercial, industrial, educational, cultural, recreational and general welfare of New Hampshire’s Monadnock Region.

Volunteer Hub

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Our Volunteer Hub is a platform where all GMC members can showcase their volunteer opportunities and find opportunities to volunteer, individually or as a team. Join us in our mission to create a vibrant and collaborative community. Together, let’s make a positive impact in our region…

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Why Become A member

The time to join is now! Our extensive regional branding initiative, strong attention to social media marketing, multiple promotional opportunities, and a personal welcoming attitude creates one of the most dynamic and forward-thinking community-based organizations out there. We would be thrilled to have you and your organization partner with us on a journey to success!

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Member Deals

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Member Directory

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Job Board

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Community Events

Community events are about bringing people together, creating a positive change, and making new connections. List your events on our community calendar.


Our Mission

Especially for employers and professionals in New Hampshire’s Monadnock Region, the Greater Monadnock Collaborative is a non-profit business and community membership organization that serves as a strong advocate for the business community, and an essential driver of economic, civic, and cultural prosperity throughout Southwestern New Hampshire.

As the Monadnock Region’s destination marketing organization, the Greater Monadnock Collaborative works with commercial and community partners to highlight and amplify everything that makes our region a one-of-a-kind vacation destination, a magical place to call home, and a rewarding area to do business.

As a regional chamber of commerce, we provide guidance, networking, and education to help businesses succeed, resources to help communities promote themselves, inspiration and information to help people visit or relocate to our region, consultation to legislators on issues impacting local businesses, and forward-thinking leadership, uniting us all in common purpose:

To build a healthy economy and improve the quality of life in our communities.